Tuesday, September 30, 2014



わたしのブログのなまえは、「けなげUlyssesのみやげばなし」です。これは えいごで「Tales of Brave Ulysses」です。Creamのうたのなまえです。

ブログのURLは、「ちいさくてむらさき さかな」です。これは、うたのリリックです。えいごで、"Tiny purple fishes" です。


"I cannot rest from travel: I will drink/Life to the lees"は、Alfred Tennysonの です。なまえは "Ulysses" です。しはここです



えいごで ー in English (language)
うた ー song
ちいさくてむらさき ー tiny and purple
N.B. This is a construction that we haven't learned yet and I don't remember how to do, but I used this blog URL five years ago when I understood it, and I figured I'd keep it. Originally, it had been "ちいさいとむらさきさかな (chiisai to murasaki sakana)," but to (と) can't be used for adjectives, only nouns.
さかな ー  fish
リリック ー lyric


  1. こんわんわ オラさん。なにのうたききますか。Do you listen to a lot of music from "Cream?" I listened to the song and I really like it--the lyrics are great. What kind of music/songs do you run to? I've been trying to get into running--I've made this fantasy goal for myself: to be able to run the length of Riverside Park in one-go before I graduate. This would be a phenomenal feat for someone *ahem* who usually runs a mile in no-joke 15 minutes. On a totally different note, SO PUMPED FOR COMIC CON. I may or may not have spent over an hour researching it and have subsequently been freaking out more and more about it.

    1. Isn't Cream great? I used to listen to them a lot more than I do now, but I still fall back into classic rock once in a while.

      Also, hey, my mile time is like 10:30, so I can't knock yours :D If you want to get into it, I strongly suggest the Zombies, Run! app, which basically tells you a story of a zombie apocalypse interspersed with music. It's really fun!

      Also, ComicConへ いきましょう! Do you want to come Saturday or Sunday? The Saturday tickets were $50 and the Sunday were $45, but would you be okay with giving me $30 for one of the days (either one)? I think Nicole said that the merchandise usually goes on sale on Sundays, but I don't know which panels you want to see. I will be around on both days so either is fine with me :P

      Also, remind me to get your でんわばんごう あした!
