Tuesday, September 30, 2014



わたしのブログのなまえは、「けなげUlyssesのみやげばなし」です。これは えいごで「Tales of Brave Ulysses」です。Creamのうたのなまえです。

ブログのURLは、「ちいさくてむらさき さかな」です。これは、うたのリリックです。えいごで、"Tiny purple fishes" です。


"I cannot rest from travel: I will drink/Life to the lees"は、Alfred Tennysonの です。なまえは "Ulysses" です。しはここです



えいごで ー in English (language)
うた ー song
ちいさくてむらさき ー tiny and purple
N.B. This is a construction that we haven't learned yet and I don't remember how to do, but I used this blog URL five years ago when I understood it, and I figured I'd keep it. Originally, it had been "ちいさいとむらさきさかな (chiisai to murasaki sakana)," but to (と) can't be used for adjectives, only nouns.
さかな ー  fish
リリック ー lyric

Monday, September 29, 2014

Starting Again...

Hello, fair reader!

As I mentioned in my first (Japanese) blog post, I'm a third-year PhD student at Columbia University, studying Japanese. The language doesn't really have much to do with my field of study; I work in Computational Biology. I'd like to do a postdoc in Japan after I finish my degree. I have always loved Japanese culture and language; I'd previously studied it in undergrad around five years ago. Japanese is the sixth language in which I've had formal instruction, and it's by far my favourite. The structures, intonations, and writing styles are very different from anything else that I've learned before.

The biggest challenge I've had is not jumping too far ahead. While I'd forgotten most of everything that I'd learned in my Junior year of college, it's coming back to me really quickly, and I want to keep pushing myself to learn more and faster. However, I've been restraining myself; I'm really good at languages, and they come to me quickly and leave just as fast. Since I'd forgotten Japanese so easily last time, I'm focusing on memorizing everything in excruciating detail so it doesn't leave my brain so quickly if I take a break in the future.

In order to humble myself, I went to a Japanese bookstore in New York -- Kinokuniya, by Bryant Park -- and bought myself a book called "Breaking Into Japanese Literature." Obviously, I understand next to none of it. However, it is something to strive towards. The way the book is set up, it has the original text of short stories (such as one by Murakami) on the left-hand side, with furagana above the Kanji; on the right-hand side is the English translation of the text. There is also a built-in dictionary. I really want to be able to read Japanese literature in the original, so I hope this book gives me a tangible goal to strive towards.

Anyway, enough on the language. I'm excited to try my hand at writing in Japanese again -- it's embarrassing to see my old Japanese blog posts and realizing that I understand next to none of it!




わたしは オラ です。 コロムビアだいがく の だいがくいんせい です。Computational biologyを べんきょうします。さんねんせい です。カナダのオンタリオのトロント からきました。わたしは カナダとポランドじん です。

どようびに、Brooklynへ いきました。
Robert Plantをみました。
  にちようびに、Bronxへ いきました。
きのう、Bronxにじゅうmiles しりました(ran)。